A Friend Worth Fighting For

I’m amazed at how many people want good friends but aren’t willing to be a good friend.

Our Western, consumer-minded, individualistic society has shaped us into people who feel like relationships should be delivered to our doorstep in two days or less. But real, authentic, true friendship takes time.

Jonathan is one of my favorite friends in all of Scripture. At one point in the book of 1 Samuel, Jonathan ends up warning David that Saul (Jonathan’s own father) is out to kill him and David flees. In a moment of fear David comes to Jonathan and asks where he went wrong and why his father is doing this?

Jonathan starts to recognize that for the sake of his friend’s safety, he may need to send David away knowing there’s a possibly he’ll never see him again. Jonathan comes up with a plan for David to hide in a field and for Jonathan to find out if Saul is still plotting to kill him. A few nights go by and Saul starts to wonder where David is and he lashes out at Jonathan.

Look here, 1 Samuel 20, verse 30,  

Saul’s anger flared up at Jonathan and he said to him, “You son of a perverse and rebellious woman! Don’t I know that you have sided with the son of Jesse to your own shame and to the shame of the mother who bore you? As long as the son of Jesse lives on this earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Now send someone to bring him to me, for he must die!” “Why should he be put to death? What has he done?” Jonathan asked his father. But Saul hurled his spear at him to kill him. Then Jonathan knew that his father intended to kill David. 

Jonathan is making a huge sacrifice for David in this moment. He is potentially putting aside any future relationship with his father in order to do what is right in protecting his friend. He even risks his own life to protect David because he trusts in the Lord’s plan for David’s future.  

How we sacrifice for our friends may look different than Jonathan. Sacrifice in your friendships may look like putting aside your status, popularity, or image to do what is right. It may look like forgiveness. It can also look like simply putting your friend’s needs above your own and setting aside your desires for their best interest. It could look like sacrificing your time and energy to be there for your friend when they’re in need. 

Jonathan’s heart was so submitted to the Lord that it bound him to David’s heart in a special way. He was truly a good friend. We all know and remember David as a main figure in the bible. But how different would David’s story have been if it wasn’t for Jonathan? 

What if Jonathan didn’t listen to what God was putting on his heart? 

What if he would have refused to give up his spot in line for the throne? 

This whole ordeal took a LOT of humility on Jonathan’s part. He looked inward, he was loyal, and he sacrificed for the sake of his friend because he had submitted his pride and his heart to the Lord.  

“How different would David’s story have been if it wasn’t for Jonathan?”

My friends, are we asking ourselves that question often?

“Is my heart submitted to the Lord?” 

Because it’s hard to embody these qualities if our heart isn’t in the right place.

What if we started with our heart posture and in humility, considered what areas we could be a better friend?

Do you need to be better at looking inward and past the physical differences?

Do you need to stop gossiping and go first to your friend when you hear something about them?

Or do you need to put aside your pride to truly love your friend sacrificially?

“What if we started with our heart posture and in humility, considered what areas we could be a better friend?”

Today is the day to step up and love those around us like Jonathan did.

Let us be a people of love.

Let each of us be a good friend.

Be encouraged!


The Closeness of Compassion


The Preparing Place