A Prayer Away

For just a moment, ponder your relationship with God. Where are you at with Him right now?

Honestly assess your soul.

Where are you at with God right now?  

Perhaps you were close at one point, but then life got busy.  

Or maybe you found yourself far away but have recently drawn near. 

Maybe it’s been this constant oscillation—this constant back-and-forth—between those two realties. 

A 2010 Focus on the Family study of over 3,000 young people found that the greatest contributing spiritual factor to whether a young person remained connected to Jesus after leaving the home was their ability to pray.

Did you catch that?

The number one factor attributed to whether young people remained in a relationship with Jesus after leaving the home was their ability to commune, to conversate, to pray with, to talk to...God. 

Which begs the question…do you pray?

I don’t mean praying every Sunday at church. I’m not talking about praying in a small group setting or at a corporate event. Think past prayer at the dinner table with your family.

All of these things are well and good, but the questions remains…

Do you pray? 


On your own time?

When you don’t “have” to? 

Do you spend intimate time with Jesus, as if He were truly your friend? Someone you genuinely want to get to know, spend time with, and learn about? 

For some of you, the answer is “yes.” And if that’s the case, praise God. Stay the course! 

But I think for most of us, if we’re being really honest, we’d admit that our prayer life often is lacking. 

Why is that? 

Why is it that we can spend 7-9 hours talking to people through a screen, and yet, we can’t even spend 7-9 minutes talking to God alone or in silence? 

Could it be that the life we’ve always longed for—a life of peace, joy, love, hope, and kindness in the midst of suffering—is just a prayer away? 

Would you be willing to try with me this week? At least once this week, set a timer for 10 minutes in the quiet place. And then, see what happens. My guess is it won’t be some earth-shattering breakthrough (though it could be), but rather, a gentle reminder that the peace, the kindness, the patience, the ____ of Christ is available and accessible to you now.

You in? If so, shoot me an email after and let me know how it goes! micah@micahedavis.com

I’m with you and for you, my friend.

Be encouraged.


It Starts With Us


God’s Pleasing, Good, & Perfect Will