Don’t Waste God’s Gift

The Parable of the Talents is one of my favorites in the Scriptures. If you’d like a recap on what it’s about, you can read that here.

But, to recap, 3 guys are given “talents” or investments by a rich ruler. One is given 5 bags, another 3, and another 1. The men given 5 and 3 bags, respectively, both double their investment. However, the man given 1 talent—afraid—buries the investment to ensure it’s safe-keeping. The ruler, upon his return, rejoices with the first 2 men and scolds the last.

The point?

Jesus is saying, “my son, my daughter, DON’T WASTE GOD’S GIFT.”

The man who was entrusted with 1 bag of gold played it safe—sure. But he did nothing to try to multiply it, to move his talent forward in a positive direction and the rich man became angry!


Because the rich man had entrusted these “talents” to these men so they’d put them to work! So that they’d do something with the investment they’d been given!

My friends, it’s the same with us.

God has given you gifts, talents, and passions for a reason! Just like the men were entrusted with money to earn more for the rich man, God entrusts us with gifts to use them for His glory.

To point others to Him.

To multiply the amount of people who will enter His kingdom.

Don’t waste God’s gift.

So what does this mean for you and for me? Let’s take a moment and let’s get real specific.

Perhaps you’re an incredible singer or great musician. But, do you understand that God has given you that gift for more than just writing songs or singing on stage? He has given you that gift so that you can be an influence and a light to the world. So that you can help others rediscover the gift of what genuine, true worship is.

Or maybe math or science come easy to you. You eat pi for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you know what I mean (I’m sorry, I had to). But did you know that God has given you that gift for more than just earning a great degree or getting a well-paying job? He’s given you knowledge and solutions that this world desperately needs!

See, the people you meet along your path in life aren’t a means to an end. They’re not there to fit your agenda or your plan. They’re there to participate in the story of God with you. That person standing in line is a person you can tell about God. The money you make is money you can be generous with. The knowledge you’ve gained is knowledge you can share.

Are you starting to see my point?

God has given you gifts so that they can be directed back to him! And notice something; The person who is a great soccer player is going to have influence with completely different people than the person who excels at math or science.

That’s the best part! That’s why God gives a diversity of gifts!

One is not better than the other, they are equally incredible opportunities to reach different kinds of people.

I can’t pretend to know what this will look like for you. Out of everyone, you know best about the gifts, talents, and passions God has given you.

So this is my challenge for you… take some time today or this week, and find a quiet place. Remove all distractions—phone, TV, air pods, etc.—and just sit. Sit, pray, think, and write down whatever God brings to mind that you are good and gifted at.

Take some time to decipher what God has entrusted you with and then ask Him what He wants you to do with those gifts. How can you use those talents, gifts, and passions to bring glory back to Him? That’s why he gave them to you in the first place!

Perhaps you’re reading this today and there is this ache, this passion, this God-sized dream that you have felt within the core of your being for months, years, decades and you’ve been too afraid to pursue it.

My friend, now is the time. Go after your dream, today! Take your 1 bag, 3 bags, or 20 bags of talents and use them to influence others—to multiply the Kingdom of God.

Don’t waste your time!

Don’t waste your gifts!

Don’t waste your talents!

Don’t waste your relationships!

Don’t waste your witness!

Don’t waste your life!

You were made for more! Don’t waste God’s gift. You never know how God might just use you to change the world!


Joy in Jesus


The Three Aspects of Character