Practicing Generosity

There’s something powerful about the practice of generosity.

Oftentimes, generosity is a front door vehicle for us—as followers of Jesus—to deliver the Good News. To help someone in need establishes credibility in a relationship to teach and preach about Jesus.

I want to get super practical this week and offer 5 simple ways that you can begin practicing generosity right now.

1)    Begin tithing

Tithing is a practice that occurs all throughout Scripture. Starting with Abraham in Genesis all the way through the teachings of Jesus and the New Testament, tithing is a demonstrative practice of giving a portion of what we’ve been given back to God as a reminder of His provision.

The typical amount Scripture exhorts is 10% of our income to be given. But my charge to you is to do something and help someone. Start by giving whatever you can. Give 1%, 3% or 5%.

The important word here is start.

2)    Give Time

If you don’t have money, give up your time. Volunteer with organizations who help people worldwide. Go online and begin looking at ways that you can serve with organizations like World Vision, Food for the Hungry, The End it Movement, etc.

There are so many incredible organizations that are devoted to fighting global issues and loving our global neighbors. Give up your time for one of these causes and allow your time to reflect a way that you witness to the ends of the earth. 

3)    Monthly “rice and beans” night.

No money?

No time?

No problem.

Begin a monthly “rice and beans” night. Once a month, instead of eating that fat piece of steak or the really good-looking vegan bowl, cook up some rice and beans. It’ll cost you $1 and it’ll remind you of the diet that many of those millions of children are living on for their usual 1 meal per day. 

A “rice and beans” night allows us to offer solidarity and empathy for the poor as we attempt to step into their shoes. This furthers our motivation to want to love and serve the less-fortunate in whatever ways that we can.

4)    Go Global

If your financial situation or local church provides the opportunity, practice loving your global neighbor by meeting them where they’re at. Literally. Go overseas! To see up close and personally meet individuals living in poverty creates a space for internal transformation. Tangibly loving and physically engaging in relationship with our global neighbors will widen your worldview and necessarily shift the focus off of yourself.

5)    Do A “Dollar Club”

Gather some friends together and have everyone commit to giving a dollar. It may not seem like a lot, but when you’re able to get 20, 50, 100, or 1000 people on board to give a dollar, you’ll be shocked at the difference it can make.

$30 will save a child from starvation for a month.

It may not seem like a big deal, but when put together, a dollar can go a long way in loving our neighbor. Generosity in practice allows our brothers and sisters around the world to experience the love and kindness of Jesus—perhaps for the very first time.

To bring the gospel to the ends of the earth, we must seize the opportunity to care for others around the world who are less fortunate than us. We must make it a priority to be known for our generosity if we are to spread the Good News around the globe and be Jesus’ witnesses to the ends of the earth.

It’s your choice.

Are you in or are you out?

Are you ready to do something? To help someone?

What are you willing to put on the line? To sacrifice for the good of another?

How are you going to show the love of Jesus to someone on the other side of the world?

How will you be a global witness? It’s going to begin with your generosity.

Be encouraged.


Transcendent Love


Perfect Joy