2023 Reading List

Every year, I share my top 10 reads of the year via Instagram. It’s become an annual tradition that I’ve come to love. It forces me to reflect and look back on all of the wisdom I’ve gleaned from some of the most beautiful individuals from all walks of life across the world.

If you’d like to view the Top 10 List, click HERE.

Over the years, I’ve received a few inquiries regarding my full reading list. So, I figured here would serve as a helpful medium to share with you the full list of books read this year.

Please note, I cannot say that I recommend or endorse every work read. I try to read widely, and am continuing to push myself in that aspect. So, thoughtfully, prudently peruse and if you see something you like, throw it onto your GoodReads list and read it for yourself.

Hope this helps!

Cheers, friends.

2023 Reading List:

  1. Redeemer - Randall Balmer

  2. Atomic Habits - James Clear

  3. Gentle and Lowly - Dane Ortlund

  4. The Divine Conspiracy - Dallas Willard

  5. Eldership and the mission of God - J.R. Briggs and Bob Hyatt

  6. A Dangerous Calling - Paul David Tripp

  7. The Way of the Heart - Henri Nouwen

  8. The Holy Longing - Ronald Rolheiser

  9. When the Church Was A Family - Joseph H. Hellerman

  10. Simple Church - Thom Reiner and Eric Geiger

  11. Freedom of Simplicity - Richard Foster

  12. Failure of Nerve - Rabbi Ediwn H. Friedman

  13. Honest Advent - Scott Erickson

  14. Invitation to A Journey - M. Rober Mulholland Jr.

  15. The Wonder of Advent - Chris Tiegreen

  16. Working the Angles - Eugene Peterson

  17. The Sabbath - Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

  18. The Jesus I Never Knew - Phillip Yancey

  19. In the Name of Jesus - Henri Nouwen

  20. Paul for Everyone (Thessalonians) - N.T. Wright

  21. Silence in The Age of Noise - Erling Kagge

  22. Spiritual Leadership - J. Oswald Sanders

  23. Life Together - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  24. The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry - John Mark Comer

  25. Of Prayer - John Calvin

  26. How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People - Pete Greig

  27. Daily Rituals - Mason Currey

  28. A Way Other Than Our Own - Walter Brueggemann

  29. Sacred Fire - Ronald Rolheiser

  30. Lent - Esau McCaulley

  31. The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self - Carl Trueman

  32. The Tech Wise Family - Andy Crouch

  33. Is Easter unbelievable? - Rebecca McLaughlin

  34. The Gift of Being Yourself - David Benner

  35. I Once Was Lost - Don Everts

  36. The Art of Pastoring - David Hansen

  37. Preaching in the Spirit - Dennis Kinlaw

  38. Timothy Keller - Collin Hansen

  39. Read the Bible for a Change - Ray Lubbeck

  40. The Ragamuffin Gospel - Brennan Manning

  41. The Surprising Return of the Neighborhood Church - Sam Rainer

  42. Practicing The Way - John Mark Comer

  43. The Liturgy of Politics - Kaitlyn Scheiss

  44. The Wounded Healer - Henri Nouwen

  45. Forgive - Timothy Keller

  46. Experiencing Forgiveness - Charles Stanley

  47. Compassion and Conviction - Justin Gibony

  48. Walking Through the Valleys - Dave Choutka

  49. Jesus and the Disinherited - Howard Thurman

  50. Forgiving When You Can’t Forget - Lysa Terkhurst

  51. No Future Without Forgiveness - Desmond Tutu 

  52. I Forgive You - Wendy Alsup

  53. The Book of Forgiving - Desmond Tutu

  54. Beholding - Strahan Coleman

  55. The Ballot and The Bible - Kaitlyn Scheiss

  56. Prayer - Tim Keller

  57. Prayer - Ronald Rolheiser


2022 Reading List