The Power of Solidarity

There’s a question we all—deep down—long to ask, but for many of us, it’s become too shameful, embarrassing, or humiliating to work up the courage to ask it. The question is this:

How do I defeat temptation in my life?

I’m not going to pretend like there’s a one-size-fits-all answer. There are certainly strategies that we see in Scripture which aid our ability to stave off temptation, but at the end of the day, we must 1) rely on the Holy Spirit and 2) be disciplined to do the right thing when the wrong thing presents itself.

For our intents and purposes today, here’s 3 ways to fight off temptation.

1) RUN!

Run like your life depends on it! Not in fear but in faith believing that running the opposite direction from temptation will lead you into the life God designed for you to live. Over and over, scripture tells us to run, to flee, or to abandon our current state and adopt a new state of mind (See: Joseph and Potiphar’s wife in Genesis 39 for one example).

We are called to run out of the darkness and into the light. Sin and temptation stand no match for the light of Jesus! 

2) Live No Lies[1]

We have to overcome the deceit that has been planted in our brain by Satan who says, “You’re the only one!”

You’re not the only one. You’ve never been the only one.

There is a community of people out there waiting for you to get honest and real and to say, “Here. Here are my mistakes, here are my shortcomings, here are my failures, my fears, my scars and my sins. Here they are.”

You’ll be amazed at how quickly your bravery spreads. How swiftly your courage ignites the hearts of those around you and the most healing words begin to be expressed… “me too.”

Have you wrestled with temptation? Me too.

Have you given in time and time again? Me too.

Have you become discouraged? Me too.

Have you thought about giving up? Me too.

Are you tired of living in the darkness? Me too.

Are you ready to expose your sins in the safety of the light? Me too.

Are you done with excuses? Me too.

Are you ready to be honest and real with Jesus? Me too.

3) Accept Jesus’s Love and Grace

Jesus sees you.

He sees you just as you are. He sees you right where you’re at.

He’s not fooled, he’s not tricked, he’s not disillusioned. He sees you—the real you.

And he loves you. He forgives you. He wants you to know that the burdens you’re carrying, he carried for you. The struggle you’re barely surviving, he died for. The shame you’re feeling, he took on so you didn’t have to.

And he simply says…”here.”

Here is my grace, here is my peace, hear is my fortitude, here is my perseverance, here is my grit, here is my determination, here is my forgiveness.

Over and over and over again.

But MOST importantly…here I am. I—Jesus—I love you so much, I was willing to die for you. For all of the mistakes, all of the temptation, all of the sin, the shortcomings, the failures.

I see the lion on your leash. Give it to me.

Give it to me and I will give you rest.

This strategy to fight temptation works, my friends. So, don’t wait. Don’t allow the lies that you’re a lost cause, or that you’ll never win, or that you’re not enough to stop you from becoming who God has called you to be.

Own your struggle. Accept it. But then, run from it, run and throw off the lies that are attempting to weigh you down, and run into the arms of a loving Savior who sees you, knows you, and loves you. Just as you are.

You have what it takes.

Be encouraged.

[1] Stealing this from my favorite author, John Mark Comer, who has a book by the same title. It’s worth a read. Buy it here:


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Your True Identity