

My friend,

Welcome! I’m elated you’re here.

If we haven’t met yet, my name is Micah and my biggest passion in life is seeking, following, teaching and preaching the Way of Jesus. I believe a life patterned after him unlocks the greatest, most joy-filled life possible.

Whether you are new to following Jesus, have been for a while, or you’re still trying to figure out who Jesus is, my mission is to walk with you on this journey towards becoming the person he longs for you to be.

As we journey together, you’ll hear me share a lot about my life, my family and my story. I’m married to the love of my life, Rylei. She inspires me every day to become a better man, husband and apprentice of Jesus.

Our household is a mixed bag most days as we are kept on our toes constantly by our year old Aussie Kelpie, Leo. He’s a ball of energy and can catch a frisbee 7/10 times, which we’re both proud of.

I am blessed to lead, pastor and shepherd a community of High School Students at Northview Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. I’ve been privileged to speak at churches and to groups of all sizes all over the midwest. My calling in life is to share the Good News with as many people as possible.

In my free time, I love to play basketball! I've played since I was a little kid all the way through college, so I play any chance I get. Other than that, you can catch me walking, hiking, reading, writing and trying (more like failing) miserably to cultivate a yard I can be proud of. We’ll get there.

Thanks so much for checking out my website. My hope and prayer is that these words would cause you to think deeper, laugh harder, and inspire you to begin living a life in Jesus that separates you from the culture surrounding you.

We are called to be the light of world. Perhaps we should begin by looking to the Man who claimed and proved to be the way, the truth and the life.

Let’s do it together.

With you and for you to the end,



The Ingredients of Influence