Creation Modeled After A Creator

Genesis 1:1 says this, it says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” 

Most of us have probably heard that statement before.

The Christian creation story is taught and told in all spheres of society. 

But have you ever tried unpacking that statement before?    

  Sit with that for a moment.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.   

Where do we even start with a statement like that?

Well, what if we just began by going word for word?  

You may be thinking, “Micah, we’re going to be here forever.” But this is the beauty of Scriptures. This is God’s Word.

Every word matters.

Today, within the first sentence of Scripture, lies an opportunity to see, feel, and experience of the wonder of God.

You ready to go?

Let’s do it!

In the beginning…   

Before there was an earth to stand on.

Before there were stars to mark seasons, or day and night.

Before there were eyes to witness and books to write.

With a continuum of eternity stretching infinitely before and infinitely after, something began. Something was initiated. Something brand new had started.  

In the beginning, God…   

God, the triune God, the three persons of God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In the beginning, this God existed. 

Outside of our understanding of time and space, God existed.  He was not created, He always was, always is, and always will be.

God was perfect and lacked nothing.

God—with His limitless power—whose potential had yet to be seen or experienced, was about to ignite something new. 

  In the beginning, God created…   

With no frame of reference, He created.

With nothing available to copy, to improve on, or to be inspired by, God created. 

He is the originator of all things. 

Of all beauty. 

Of all creativity. 

Out of his vast power and might, He created. 

Without resources to use, without wood or water or dirt or fire or carbon or oxygen—with nothing to create with, God created.

Understand that there was no preexisting nature that simply formed into what God wanted it to be. Scripture says, “the earth was formless and empty” (Genesis 1:2, emphasis added).

It didn’t exist. 

Nature itself was created from the breath or the ruach of God.

By the power of his word, “LET THERE BE…”…there was. 

By the power of His Word, all creation came to be.

There it is. In five words, our entire paradigm can be shifted.

The first five words of Scripture point us back to a God who was, who is, and who is to come.

Rest in that today, my friends.

Be encouraged.


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