Micah Davis Micah Davis

The Vastness of Creation

The heavens are vast. The heavens, from our vantage point, appear to be this empty space of nothingness. And yet, the heavens are jam packed with all of these stars radiating unfathomable amounts of energy! And all of this goes to show that this universe could not have been created on accident. That there’s a Divine Orchestrator who put all of this together. A Being so vast, so great, and so powerful that we cannot even fathom—physically—all of the matter that exists.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Putting The Universe in Perspective

  In the beginning, God created the heavens… The universe is currently estimated to be circa 7 trillion light years wide and constantly growing. With the greatest technology that humanity has to offer in 2022, we can observe about 0.3% of that, around 93 billion light years away.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Creation Modeled After A Creator

Genesis 1:1 says this, it says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Most of us have probably heard that statement before. The Christian creation story is taught and told in all spheres of society. But have you ever tried unpacking that statement before? Sit with that for a moment.

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