The Way of Jesus

Anxiety has done major damage to our society, our souls, and our bodies.

It begs the question: “Is there hope?”

What if I told you that there was a counter-cultural way to live?

A life filled with peace rather than anxiety.

A life of joy rather than fear.

A life of hope rather than despair.

Such a life is possible and available TODAY! It’s the Way of Jesus.

See, here’s what I know: this country, this world, this life…is a mess. Let’s not pretend like it’s not. Our world is divisive, polarized, and consumed by fear. But, as we’ve already said, there’s a better way. The first step is to simply say, “yes” to the Way of Jesus.

See, your YES repairs the mess.

When anxiety has overcome you, when fear has its grip on you, when stress has overtaken you, Jesus—in His perfect timing—appears in the middle of your storm. He makes his non-anxious presence known and available by announcing, “It is I.” And in that moment, we have a choice to say YES to the invitation Jesus gives us. Will we say YES to the invitation of welcoming a non-anxious presence into our lives?

“Jesus’s Way of life is to be followed, copied, and repeated.”

Sometimes our seemingly-simple acknowledgement and acceptance of Jesus’ presence in our lives is all it takes to combat the grip of anxiety in our lives.

Okay, cool story, Micah. But, I’m a follower of Jesus and me saying, “yes” to Jesus isn’t helping. Now what?

In John chapter 14, verse 6, Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Why’s this important? Because often we talk about Jesus and we say, “okay, I’m a follower of Jesus, so I believe what Jesus SAYS to be true.” So, we affirm that he is the truth.

Often, we talk about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and resurrecting from the grave. We share openly how Jesus is the life—how through him, we can experience new life, eternal life, given freely by the blood of his sacrifice. Believing that Jesus is the life has become second-nature for many of us.

But, the attribute many of us fail to take heart in is that Jesus leads with the fact the he is the WAY.

Meaning what?

Meaning that his Way of life, his rhythm of life, his example of life is to be followed, copied, and repeated. 

Please don’t miss this: The overarching goal of a believer’s life is to believe in Jesus’ resurrection (life), to hold fast to his words—to obey his commandments—none more than loving God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbor as ourself (truth). But the last piece is to actually live LIKE Jesus (way). He is the WAY.

His life is the template our lives should mirror.

“Your yes repairs the mess.”

Pop-culture reference for you…have you seen Disney’s The Mandalorian?! If not, you’re welcome. It’s so good. Cue all of the baby-Yoda memes. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, seriously, you’re missing out! My family is a big Star Wars family. My wife and I are 25 years old and we will STILL show up to my family’s house and my mom will have matching Star Wars shirts for our family to wear on Christmas day. You can count on it. We’ve watched every episode; we can’t get enough of it.

But the Mandalorian repeats often the Mandalorian Creed which is, “This is the way.”

The life of Jesus—as a follower of Him—is the Way. We are to pattern, replicate and practice the rhythms and teachings of Jesus. This is the way. 

It’s with this in mind that we skip down to John 14, verse 23 where Jesus says,

“Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching (truth). My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them (life). Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.

“All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (way).

Jesus says anyone who loves me will obey my teachings.

He’s saying, “hey, I’m offering you the way. I’m offering you the truth. I’m offering you life in abundance. When you welcome me in, when you give me your yes, I will impart the Advocate—the Holy Spirit—to live in you who will help you remain or abide in me. And when you do that, when you accept my invitation, peace is given to you. No matter what trials may come, no matter what hardships are being endured, no matter what obstacles have to be overcome, peace will transcend it all. I am the ANSWER to anxiety!”

Jesus is the answer to anxiety.

Jesus shows us that the Way is to obey.

When you pattern your life after Jesus, when you obey his teachings, when you follow the Way of Jesus, peace is imparted upon you. Not as the world gives—not with self-help, not with eastern-meditation, or cultural gimmicks. Peace is offered in abundance by practicing the WAY of Jesus.

May we be believers in the Life and Truth of Jesus, but also practitioners in the Way of Jesus moving forward.

Be encouraged, my friends.


Guard Your Heart


Healing is A Process