Your Anointing is Coming

What are you doing right now—in this moment, today, this week—that’s preparing you to step into what you were born to do?

That’s a pretty big question, but I think it’s worth reflecting on…

What are your goals?

Who are you aspiring to become?

Look at where you’re at and where you want to be. Now ask yourself, in the present circumstances of life, am I doing what I need to be doing in order to cultivate the heart I want to have so that I can live out who I’ve been called to be? 

Because here’s the reality my friends, your anointing is coming. For some of you, it’s already happened.

“What are you doing now that’s preparing you to step into what you were born to do?”

March 16, 2016 I was flat on my face in my dorm room pleading with God to enlighten me to any skill I had that could get me out of this calling I felt burdened with to preach, teach, and write about the way of Jesus. I had just read the story of Moses and the burning bush in Exodus 3, and his story is my story. I ran away, but God pursued me, got a hold of me, and laid out clearly that I was born for this.

That night, I believe I was anointed—in the privacy of a dorm room—before the Lord alone.

So, I ask you: What have you been anointed to?

For some of you, you’ve been anointed but you’re “just” a shepherd. You feel like God has put a call on your life and you’re reading this frustrated because it feels like God’s abandoned you. But here’s what I know, in the privacy of the field is the safety to fail. God is using moments like this to stretch you and to heal you.

God is allowing lions and bears to sneak past the fence of the field to sharpen you and to ensure that your character is solidified. What is God looking for in a king or queen?

A heart that’s after him.

And many of us—although we have royal aspirations—need years in the field to cultivate a faithfulness worthy of carrying the burden and responsibility of leadership.

What lions and bears are roaming around you? Either threatening your calling or giving you opportunities to exercise it in a reduced way?

“God is allowing lions and bears to sneak past the fence of the field to sharpen you and to ensure that your character is solidified.”

How will you respond? Will you be obedient to God now and allow that obedience to launch you into the future God has waiting for you?

Whatever that future is, you were born for it.

Step into it, embrace it, it’s yours.

Grace and peace. 


Do You See This Woman?


The Closeness of Compassion