Micah Davis Micah Davis

The Lost Art of Rootedness

I wonder if in this transient day and age—where at the touch of our fingertips, we can realistically uproot ourselves in a place one day and end up on the other side of the planet the next—if we’re missing out on the best of what the Church has to offer…

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

The Church As A Family

Jesus’s vision for the Church is that of a family. He calls the Church, “the bride of Christ.” He claims himself as the groom. Jesus says that whoever does the will of God is his brother and sister and mother. All throughout the New Testament, the apostles greet one another as, “brothers and sisters in Christ.” We call God what? God the Father! So, just to reiterate, Jesus is not anti-family. But he is anti-partial allegiance. He’s anti-“luke-warmness,” as he calls it.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Jesus Over Everything

What does it mean to belong to a, “healthy” family? That’s a big question, isn’t it? Is there an answer? When we open the Scriptures, we find a vastly different cultural context than what we find ourselves living in now. This fact is imperative to know as we attempt to extrapolate the truth behind Jesus’s words regarding family. However, I must warn you, Jesus’s word were as provocative and challenging then as they’re going to sound now.

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