Micah Davis Micah Davis

Meditation as Transformation

How do we experience life to the full? Is it possible? Could we potentially be overcomplicating it? Jesus himself said that, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10b, NIV). But what does that mean? How are we to actually experience this life to the full?

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

It Starts With Us

God instructs the prophet Micah to proclaim a message of judgement. Judgement. A word many of us are either unfamiliar or uncomfortable with. This message is a clear call that the way the Israelites are living is unsustainable and eventually, God will restore things right.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

How Did We End Up Here?

I was 12 when I met my friend Fishback. His real name was Michael, but everybody called him Fishback. It was a typical 90-degree Tennessee Summer Day, and I had made my routine two mile walk from my house to the local YMCA for a day’s worth of pickup basketball.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Joy in Jesus

In Luke 2, we read about a message that an angel brings to shepherds regarding the birth of a promised Savior. The angel declares, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10, NIV).

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

The Battle of Temptation

Those moments where your heart is pumping, your veins coursing, your temperature rising. In your heart you know it’s wrong but in your head, you think it could be right just this…one…time.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

The Closeness of Compassion

I know, pretty straightforward, but it’s true. This is fascinating; the latin root for compassion is pati, which means to suffer. The prefix, com, means with. So compassion can be literally translated as one who suffers with.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

The Preparing Place

David—a shepherd boy—once went before the current King of Israel, Saul, and told him that he’d be willing to fight a giant on behalf of the nation of Israel because no one else would.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

The Level You’re Faithful To

The story of David is this beautiful example that sometimes, the best thing you can do is be obedient to the last thing God has called you to.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

What Love Costs

In Luke chapter 10, Jesus encounters, “an expert in the Law.” In other words, this guy knows his scriptures.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Guard Your Heart

Have you ever had one of those moments scrolling through your online platform of choice and all of the sudden, it happens?

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Why Jesus Came to Earth

Fame. Popularity. Power. I can think of so many different (selfish) reasons of why I’d come to earth if I was God. Thankfully, I’m not.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Suffering and Sacrifice

Have you ever thought about if Jesus didn’t obey the call to the cross? That question has haunted me for some time now…

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Practicing Peace in a World of Anxiety

How do you talk about a topic as broad as anxiety? In some form or fashion, every person reading this has most likely encountered or wrestled with some form of anxiety.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Out of Office and Unavailable

There’s no doubt that Jesus’ life was one of incredible accomplishment. And yet, what I’m struck by most is what Jesus didn’t do. Jesus had a fundamental understanding of rest that filtered every decision that he made…

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

How Burnout Almost Broke Me

Are you tired of squeezing yourself out of margin? Done with soothing that dull ache of ineptitude with more work, busyness and hurry? Are you ready to find purpose in the pause and presence of life? Ready to begin cultivating a life of margin and meaning? Ready to recapture the moments you’ve been missing? Keep reading.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

A Rule For Rest

We’ve all been there. Let’s not pretend like we haven’t. It is 2021 after all. You know, the point where utter exhaustion has overtaken you? The moment where you begin to question everything. The instant that dreaded question arises, “what on earth am I doing here?”

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