Micah Davis Micah Davis

Your Anointing is Coming

What are you doing right now—in this moment, today, this week—that’s preparing you to step into what you were born to do?

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

The Closeness of Compassion

I know, pretty straightforward, but it’s true. This is fascinating; the latin root for compassion is pati, which means to suffer. The prefix, com, means with. So compassion can be literally translated as one who suffers with.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

The Preparing Place

David—a shepherd boy—once went before the current King of Israel, Saul, and told him that he’d be willing to fight a giant on behalf of the nation of Israel because no one else would.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Developing A Case of Curiosity

As I’ve reflected on some of my favorite movies over the years, I realized this common thread woven into many of my favorite movies and it was the idea of unlikely friends forming intimate relationships.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

The Level You’re Faithful To

The story of David is this beautiful example that sometimes, the best thing you can do is be obedient to the last thing God has called you to.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

What Love Costs

In Luke chapter 10, Jesus encounters, “an expert in the Law.” In other words, this guy knows his scriptures.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Becoming A Good Friend

In a world where we’re more socially connected and yet, relationally isolated than ever, it’s a fair question to ask. A question I’m sure many of us have thought from time to time. I know I certainly have.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

A Gospel of Mercy

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matthew 5:7). Perhaps it’s never clicked for you until now, but Jesus isn’t lying in the above statement.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Guard Your Heart

Have you ever had one of those moments scrolling through your online platform of choice and all of the sudden, it happens?

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

The Way of Jesus

Anxiety has done major damage to our society, our souls, and our bodies. It begs the question: “Is there hope?”

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Healing is A Process

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of traveling with my parents across the country while speaking at numerous marriage conferences as keynote speakers.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Why Jesus Came to Earth

Fame. Popularity. Power. I can think of so many different (selfish) reasons of why I’d come to earth if I was God. Thankfully, I’m not.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Anxiety’s Pace

How do you talk about a topic as broad as anxiety? I’ve been thinking about that lately and was curious where I should start.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Plot Twist!

Have you ever noticed a plot twist of God unfolding in your life? When I think about a plot twist, I immediately think about the life of Joseph. Joseph’s story is shared in the book of Genesis and it’s a wild ride.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

Suffering and Sacrifice

Have you ever thought about if Jesus didn’t obey the call to the cross? That question has haunted me for some time now…

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

The Character Arc of Mercy

From the time of his youth, he was deemed a “man after God’s own heart.” He was stubborn and snarky, but he was GOOD. The goodness—in Hebrew, it’s this word TOV—the TOV circulating within him, propelled David from shepherd, to warrior, to commander, to King.

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Micah Davis Micah Davis

The Pressure to Be Perfect

Advertisers spend billions every year attempting to convince us that perfection is attainable. Models are paid millions to persuade us that perfection is possible. All that money and all that pressure is driven through avenues of attention that attempt to monopolize our thoughts, actions, and behaviors.

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